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  • Location: United Kingdom


"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?"

Currently Director of Campaigns at Oxfam GB. GROW, Robin Hood Tax and more.

In my spare time, co-founder and board director of 38 Degrees. People. Power. Change. Forests. The NHS. The best of British. Very proud.

Last job: Campaign Director at, which I helped to launch. Now just one of almost 10 million members around the world, campaigning to bridge the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want. Very proud of this too.

Spent a couple of years at The Young Foundation, setting up their programme on neighbourhoods, local government and communities. Humbling stuff.

Spent a few years working around the Middle East and Europe on governance, conflict transformation and social innovation. Learnt a hell of a lot.

Back in the mists of 2000, co-founded openDemocracy. Learnt a lot. The free-thinking continues!

Most of all, proud father and husband.

Strangely enough, my six-year-old son supports Barcelona.